This cycle I'm going to start right after I ovulate. Otro sitio realizado con . And with the Premium Starter Kit you get the kit, plus a bonus oil, plus samples, plus a diffuser! You may have to avoid high-intensity workouts, get better sleep and cut back on caffeine. Generally one to two drops on the neck over the carotid arteries, temples, jaw, forearm, spine, etc. Dr. Dan Purser has spent his professional life researching and educating both physicians and women on the dangers of regular hormone therapy and the preferred safe alternative of progesterone. Fatigue. It is a bit stronger so use away from baby and be sure residue is gone when you nurse next. Plus, when you join my team, you get my favorite essential oil reference guide and a free diffuser necklace if and when you sign up for Essential Rewards. It is one of the best oils to use for fertility. some birth control methods. [I (Beau Miakinkoff) have taken the time to correct typos, sentence structure and to clarify statements. I drank Red Raspberry Leaf tea every day from the second trimester on. We dont know if users can expect an alternative to other progesterone creams or if this is primarily used for its pleasant scent and potential skin care benefits. Apple cider vinegar and onion juice is also supposed to help but I cant even imagine how bad that would smell. If you dont give the product that long you wont know if its working. Progessence Plus Serum is made from wild yam, essential oils and more. iron . I got a lot of questions on getting ovulation to return while breastfeeding. Apply diluted to liver area directly, diffuse or apply to Vita Flex liver points. Southfield Road; Green Lane For varicose veins, edema and swelling, we want to support the circulatory system. Its a 15ml bottle. by . If child is under 3 months, I would diffuse only. Thanks for hiding behind the blanket claim that you arent regulated by the FDA, nor are your products intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Every Thursday I send an email with three quick tips to brighten your day and help you and your family lead a more natural life. I do think more research should be done on oils. Clove Bud Oil: Clove bud oil has antiseptic and antifungal properties and may be used to speed recovery in small cuts, wounds or burns when applied directly to the skin. The peppermint oil helps with so many things like nausea and congestion. I have only been able to get pregnant and hold a pregnancy while using progessence plus coincidence, maybe? That side effect is increased estradiol. For indigestion, Peppermint oil can help promote healthy digestion for sure but also look into digestive enzyme support like HCL and Pepsin. The key is sleep. Progessence Plus, Vitex, Inositol, zinc, Clary Sage oil, and a quality . Young Living oils are 100 % pure therapeutic grad essential oils! Trying to research it and not having much luck. After a few days, the amount may be increased as well as the frequency. Did you also take progesterone supplements with it? We also dont really know if it works. Ive heard dozens of testimonies from people who have experienced significantsupport with occasional hormonal, thyroid and adrenal variances due to stress, cycle changesor stress, simplyby using this product regularly. Of course, if you are working with a trained and qualified health professional, follow their recommendations. Citronella ( Cymbopogon winterianus) - Great . It is a vegan protein powder with pea protein, brown rice protein, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds. For young children, you can do 1 drop of essential oil per 1 1 1/2 tablespoon of carrier oil. Im a nurse and I work long hours, I used it in the morning and it worked my entire shift, not just once but every time I use it. At this point, you can slowly begin to add formula. The essential oils in the blend, as well as coconut oil and vitamin E oil, are there to help with absorption of the progesterone. Or you can apply to feet. We discussed menopause, hot flashes, energy and much more. Any and all published editorial content is offered without any sort of influence. No more weeping or raging for me, and I sleep better too! My first and second births were night and day. Progessence Plus is a serum that you use twice daily on your inner wrists and forearms, on the front of your neck over your thyroid, and on your ankles. Also, the benefit of continuing to take a medication for a chronic condition while breast-feeding often outweighs any potential risks. I use Clary Sage and Ylang Ylang for menopause. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Clary Sage Essential Oil sign up with Young Livingas a wholesale member. Apply to outside of ear and pulse points. Its been years since I used it. People have such different stories! Once you register for your own free membership, . Not all companies or products are represented, but efforts are made to offer full transparency. It regulated my very irregular cycles, and I carried 2 babies to full term even though Im extremely high risk. VH Essentials Probiotics with Prebiotics and Cranberry. Some of the benefits of healthy progesterone levels in the body are shown to: cool arteries. One thing, be sure you are consuming enough protein. every hour or until symptoms are gone. This is a natural progesterone-type supplement that can help benefitmany of us who are wanting to promote the best results when conceiving or sustaining pregnancies. I use two drops on my forearms everyday. Dilute in castor oil andapply every evening. knottieffbe5e24d35726d1 Newbie. You can also supplement with Magnesium and Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Even women with complete hysterectomies and nursing moms may benefit from using progesterone treatment. I came to this site to try to connect some dots about my strange period, hair loss and mood swings since taking PP. You can not buy this off Amazon if its on amazon someone bought it and is resealing and there is no proof that its not been altered! Can request use progessence plus while breastfeeding J and J Mobile. I thought they could only be ordered from a distributer also. decreases acne. I would MUCH rather use oils than ingest a pill formulated with a ton of chemicals that cause side effects. Women can safely use Progessence Plus Serum through the tenth week of pregnancy and by then the body should be making sufficient amounts on its own.Dr. . Our liversfunction isto process and eliminate irregularities, toxins and imbalances in our bodies. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Chamomile/Roman ( Chamaemelum nobile) - Relaxing, helpful for sleep, helpful for relaxing muscles. But, were not sure this product is clear on what its intended use is. Peppermint and frankincense may or may not help. One drop well-diluted or put in a diffuser is all that is needed. According to Dr. Dan Purser, it has been shown that Progessence Plus can reduce the symptoms of Endometriosis. But if they do experience occasional restless sleep, a drop of Lavender or Roman Chamomile in 2 TB of oil and applied to feet (keep leftover oil for next application.) iodine. Soaked chia seeds and rice also help. When I first started the cleanse and the Progessence, I had a terrible headache for about two days. It helped my body so much and my face as I was dealing with extreme hormone imbalances. So, Ill be talking about their oils and their blends. It is specifically formulated with USP-grade progesterone, also known as . Progessence Plus contains 15 mg of progesterone per milliliter or 1 mg per drop. I will share this oil with you after I've used it for a few weeks. Required fields are marked *. Bergamot Oil: An essential oil, bergamot oil may also be added to foods for both flavor and for health benefits. It improves the blood flow within your skins cells, allowing them to stay healthy. You have to use this for a 1-3 months before you will see any change.. usually closer to the 3 month mark. It took me about 6 months to connect the dots and realize that these things started after I began using PP regularly. Formastitis, talk to your doctor or midwife. I highly suggest using this products on a daily. Left bottle= Young Living Progessence Plus (YLPP) Right bottle= Amazon YLPP They look identical and the consistency of the oils are the same. Studies indicate that limonene from frankincense and bergamot and menthol from peppermint oil can enhance substance penetration through the skin. Its the way I began and Ive been super happy with it! Progessence Plus is, technically, a highly micronised bio-identical (human) progesterone that has a natural Vitamin E base with a set of special essential oils like Frankincense . Intense migraines left this young lady in bed, wearing sunglasses and very nauseated. Ive used progessence plus for 7 months and it has helped me tremendously. A dear friend of mine went from having terrible PMS, bad cramps, and heavy period flow, to barely noticing she was getting her period with just one month on Progessence Plus! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For nursing mamas, eliminating dairy and wheat from diet can make a huge difference. While it is OK to put breast milk and formula in the same bottle if you have already prepared the formula, mixing them can lead to wasted breast milk if your baby does not finish the bottle. Purser said that "Taking just ONE birth control pill increases your risk for breast cancer for the next TEN YEARS". I am posting the information about Progessence Plus Serum to share with every woman wanting a safe, natural, effective solution.]. In other words, it is better to increase slowly even though many women need far more . One hundred twenty breastfeeding women used a vaginal ring that released about 10 mg daily of progesterone, starting during weeks 5 to 7 postpartum. Blends:Gentle Baby, Inner Child, Joy, Motivation, Peace & Calming, Valor, Tranquil Roll On, Sensation, 3 Wise Men. The government fails at researching a lot of medications on pregnant women since it isn't ethical. In terms of using oils to support naturalfertility, a great place to start is with the oil blend called EndoFlex. Thoughts on the product?? To helpget their days and nights on track, youll want to expose them to natural light first thing in the morning and keep the lights dim in the evening. Heres a look at what we found posted on the web: Sadly, this product did not work for me. It is specifically designed for women who need endocrine system and hormonal health support. Inflammation: Various scientific research studies show that the regular use of probiotics has the potential to lower inflammation . Rub on belly clockwise. Granted, Id had no fertility issues with my oldest two (conceived on first cycle trying with both) and I wasnt using them to aid in pregnancy, but wed gone four years not using birth control other than temping and tracking without unintentionally getting pregnant, then immediately after I started the oils, I was pregnant. I want to start using this until I get pregnant then use the doctors supplements! I recommend using 100-200mg/day progesterone, but feel you would need about 200mg/day. Which can have an affect on your hormones. Purpose: encourage natural progesterone production. I know a lot of people that use it during pregnancy. There are a ton of young living oils and products for sale on amazon; Not sure if its the same quality. I love this one!! You could diffuse some citrus in the morning or mid-afternoon. I actually have a friend with pcos that had 4 miscarriages between her last baby . Progessence Plus Serum does not require the cycling of application sites. *These are stronger oils so use with care and caution. Emotional Support with Essential Oils: Why I use them and YOU should too! Lemon, Citrus Fresh, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot and Frankincense oils can help to provide immune support that could result in a reduction of fever without taking it away completely. "Activated charcoal will not harm your skin, which makes it a good addition to your cleansing routine. *These oils can be used when breastfeeding. Some mamas have used a teaspoon of food-grade bentonite clay to help alleviate occasional nausea. If possible, give breast milk first, then finish the feeding with formula. (Not recommended any early as it can stimulate the uterus.). Geranium - Has a profound balancing effect on the endocrine system and regulates hormone function. Some people like to add a bit of bentonite clay as well. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. The rebroadcast # of this call is. Using both these products my period has gone from 7 yucky days to 4 manageable days. After one application of, Painful periods, menstrual migraine 20 year old female (anonymous), Pain, headaches, nausea, heavy flow were all a part of this young ladys life during her cycle. Fennel is known to have a strong estrogenic effect and is one of the most effective phytoestrogenic oils. It's wonderful for your skin and hair. I ordered some but am unsure when Im supposed to use it lol. I have not used Progessence Plus yet. They are worth their weight in gold! I use progessence plus. Wether to use it all cyc. You can dissolve in a little breastmilk or formula. It is known to balance the effects of estrogen dominance and promote regular cycles with fewer PMS symptoms. I would also recommend 50 mg of vitamin B6 with each meal. People on here recommend only using it after you O! can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding erica french true story can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding By: / male cat leaking clear odorless fluid / advantages of guided discovery method of teaching We can add back in Clary Sage, Fennel (only occasionally), Jasmine, Lemongrass, Lemon Myrtle, Marjoram, etc. Young Living also has a blog that discusses health, wellness and lifestyle and they sell a number of supplements and topical treatments that use essential oils in the blend. It may also keep bugs at bay when used topically. You can use the link below to ask the author a question. Provera is usually given for only a few days in a row each month. When were talking about this precious and delicate time in our lives, we want to be conservative using these very natural yet powerful healingoils. The decision to use or not to use Progessence Plus is up to you and your your health care provider. To listen to Jeffrey Lewis interview Dr. Dan Purser, MD, and Marc Schreuder, Product Development Expert, On our newest product, Progessence Plus and why its so important to get women to start using it. Avoid the sun if you use the citrus oils topically, as they can increase sun sensitivity. I would use castor oil as your carrier oil as this can also help with healthy skin pigmentation. I do Doterra and even though all of their oils are supposed to be OK for the most part during pregnancy, I basicly stick to lavender. In his quest to bring his patients the very best his lab partnered with Young Living to create Progessence Plus Serum, which can be ordered exclusively through Young Living. But when you sign up with Young Livingas a wholesale member, you can get it for just $150. Young Living is extremely reputable. I have finally ordered Progessence Plus (it's been out of stock) which is supposed to be amazing. For moreendocrinesupport, you can try Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Dragon Time, and/or Progessence Plus oils. Bottom line: there shouldnt be pain with breastfeeding. Thank u!!!! For occasional heartburn, tablet of Nat Phos 6X after each feeding was a lifesaver for us! Lehi, UT 84043. Do not exceed two applications per day. May 29, 2022 in michael long obituary. I apply this directly to my wrists, ankles, stomach or feet. Additionally, we dont have much information regarding of whether this product has successfully helped users deal with their menopausal symptoms, or even it if worked to visibly improve aging skin. Leave a trackback from your site.Trackback URL: Exactly! Progessence Plus serum is formulated for maximum performance. Whew! The wild yam naturally replenishes the body with progesterone while the powerful essential oils . Most medications are safe to take while breastfeeding. Progressence plus worked for me very well, I used it for more than 3 months(one bottle), and it reduced my mood swings and period days went from 7 to 3. Who wouldnt like that? You also dont want to eliminate salt; instead use a high mineral sea salt. My doctor thinks I MC. Based on theabove mentioned sources, we want to avoid the following essential oils when pregnant: Blue Cypress, Carrot Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Clary Sage*, Dill, Fennel*, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Jasmine*, Lemongrass*, Lemon Myrtle*, Marjoram*, Melissa, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Sage, and Wintergreen, Oil Blends which containabove mentioned oils: You could also use Citrus Fresh. OK, for labor lets get the party started shall we? Have been on this for 5 years. To limit potential risk to the infant, breastfeeding mothers should be advised not to use marijuana or products containing cannabidiol (CBD) in any form while breastfeeding. Progessence Plus Serum doesnt have enough of a track record for us to know whether or not its a good product, or if it stacks up against competing progesterone creams. They include the following: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Citronella*, Clove*, Copaiba, Coriander, Cypress, Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Melaleuca, Neroli, Orange, Rosewood, Patchouli, Palmarosa, Peppermint*, Petitgrain, Pine*, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Spruce*, Tangerine, Vetiver, and Ylang Ylang, Citrus Fresh, Motivation, Peace & Calming, Present Time, Sacred Mountain, Valor 5. For those who want to become pregnant, its always best to work closely with a holistic doctor who will run various tests from hormones to a full thyroid panel and even a stool test to see how your gut health is. Have you asked your OB? Apply 2 times a day topically to your legs, ankles, etc. Easily absorbs and contains skin-nourishing premium essential oils and vitamin E. 100 percent plant-based and naturally derived vegan formula. You also join a dynamic and empowered team of Young Living power users . Based on their blog post describing the use of this product for menopause, the makers of this product claim it is meant to be used as an alternative to other wild yam creams. You want to dilute your essential oil to a 1% dilution rate or lesswhen pregnant and breastfeeding. Jasmine oil acts in a similar way as another option. Only time will tell if I ever get my hair back. Calming effect on sexual nervous tension and calms emotional wounds. ****From what I read you shouldn't take while pregnant, your placenta produces progesterone, after 8weeks gestation. I have been taking for 2 weeks and my hot flashes and nights are completely gone! This is a wonderful supportive andbalancing oil. See pt1 for all I've done the last 8months to heal my body! While this is an anecdote, their use of topical progesterone in . I also developed severe, crippling depression. Marijuana. Does not need to be rotated on different areas of the body or cycled throughout the month. prevents 98% of hot flashes. July 4 edited July 4. I personally haven't got my cycle back/ovulated yet, at 9 months PP which can be totally normal if exclusively breastfeeding. For sore boobs, Lavender oil is a lifesaver to provide support for sore boobs. I like to use 1 drop mixed in raw coconut oil and apply liberally. By simply massaging these oils in, you will be supportinghealthy hair growth. It's always advisable to ask any of the doctors you deal with about safe medications while breastfeeding if they're prescribing or giving you medicine. I gave this a try for several weeks and didnt find any relief., Felt like this product did help me sleep better, but failed to do anything for my hot flashes. Check out the Brewer diet for some great tips! michigan solar projects. No one warned me of the dangers of using progesterone without having your hormone levels checked by a doctor. I do use Young Living oils. Because discussing vaginal dryness with a healthcare provider may be unpleasant for women, many women suffer unnecessarily. Symptoms of nausea may occur within the first couple hours as the body gets used to the progesterone, apply more and they will dissipate. You can apply diluted to outside of your ears and over heart. There are wholesale members who order oils at the wholesale price. I would be nervous. Just 1 drop mixed in carrier oil rubbed on belly and/or ankles. Yet, another reason to use Clary Sage: it works as a natural anti-depressant. Luckily, there are some excellent oils for relaxation that we can use while pregnant. If you need major surgery or will be on long-term bed rest, you may need to stop using Provera for a short time. . Clary Sage, Bergamot, Dragon Time, and/or Progessence Plus oils. Fermented cod liver oil and probiotics also help. I ordered some but am unsure when Im supposed to use it lol. Click here to read more about how Femmetrinol works to help you fight the effects of menopause with one daily pill. Anyone use progessence plus and have their period delayed? For brown spots/pigmentation changes, Frankincense and Lemon oils applied topically work well. Thank u!!!! Use the medicine exactly as directed. I stopped when I became pg and, if memory serves, its not recommended for pregnancy and breastfeeding, but I could be wrong. I didnt notice any change the first 2 months, but as time has passed my periods have become shorter and lighter! The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Progessence Plus is a pure serum which includes vitamin e, wild yam, coconut oil and a blend of amazing essential oils such as frankincense and peppermint. I know manyamazing stories resulting insuccessful supportwith the oil blend,Progessence Plus. It looks like they also sell this product wholesale, but were not sure where else this is sold, aside from Amazon. Lucky for us, there are several oils we can use safely when pregnant. Motivation oil blend is also excellent for occasional low energy. For fatigue, citrus oils like Lemon or Citrus Fresh as well as Peppermint can be invigorating. I've got a 3 month old and think I'm struggling with ppd. Femmetrinol is the daily supplement our experts recommend for treating the hot flashes, changing moods, night sweats and other symptoms that emerge during menopause. can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Anyone have any input? Singles:Bergamot, Cedarwood, Citronella*, Clove*, Clary Sage, Copaiba, Coriander, Cypress, Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Fennel, Geranium, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Myrtle, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Marjoram, Melaleuca, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Rosewood, Patchouli, Palmarosa, Petitgrain, Pine*, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Spruce*, Tangerine, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang. For perineal massage, mix Geranium and Lavender oils (1 drop each) to 1 cup olive oil and apply topically. I also would recommend observing your menstrual cycle, because it contains clues as to how we need to balance. It can be taken as a dietary supplement to support overall wellness (especially for women). For many women this new Young Living EXCLUSIVE product just might well prove to be the magic bullet for their health concerns. Lemon oil can help the liver process hormones more efficiently. Additionally, I love usingYlang Ylang as agreat catch all support for overall hormonal health. Ana Sayfa / Genel / can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding. We discussed menopause, hot flashes, energy and much more. Thats a really great deal, considering that the Everyday Oils kit alone sell for$160. A. Progessence Plus can be used by women of all ages, but it is ideal for women over 30. Charcoal Soap - I use a charcoal soap bar to clean my face every night and morning (from Young Living). Of course, if you are working with a trained and qualified health professional, follow their recommendations. YL oils should only be purchased directly from YL or a distributor or by having a friend who already orders oils add to their order which is what I do at my wholesale cost. These notes were taken at the 2010 Young Living Convention and shared with other Young Living Distributors. Now, onto baby For the most part, babies under 6 months old dont need essential oils. Weve seen some evidence that peppermint may increase the uptake of antioxidants when ingested, but theres no scientific data listed on the site demonstrating this as fact. I have heard stories about it helping women become pregnant, as well as other added benefits like sleeping better, reducing acne, and reducing PMS symptoms. Dilute Copiaba, Roman or German Chamomile, or Lavender essential oils and apply topically to support healthy gums. Wild yam is often used in progesterone creams or menopause supplements as it may even out the bodys hormone levels, relieving mood swings, tiredness, hot flashes and night sweats common during menopause. Use the above chart to target various emotions. Oh, that post-birth soreness especially if we tear but even if we dont. I started using it a few months ago and after a month of using it I started ovulating twice a month. Disclaimer: The information provided within this site is strictly for the purposes of information only and is not a replacement or substitute for professional advice, doctors visit or treatment. All trademarks, registered trademarks and service-marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. Mine is 3 days past the date I was supposed to start and recently started using it. I noticed a difference when I boosted my protein intake with Paloma. Again, check with your doctor or midwife for your particular care. Geranium diluted on feet can aid in supporting healthy digestion and liver. Or you can put into a spray bottle with distilled water and witch hazel and apply 3 times a day. The other ingredients are peppermint and bergamot essential oils, as well as vitamin E none of which retail for more than $10 per unit. Teaspoon of food-grade bentonite clay as well effective solution. ] month of using oils use. 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