It can be hard to tell when there is a carbon monoxide leak. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Instead of a fireplace screen, make sure your fireplace has a tight-fitting door. Nasal irrigation is an easy way to help prevent and treat sinus problems, according to . Make You Tired, Feel Unwell Small particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter pose the greatest health problems because they can get deep into the lungs, says Dr. Cain. Combating the majority of the items listed in the bulleted points above are explained in detail, in the following Sinus Health series of articles. Cleveland Clinic 1995-2023. Dont use your fireplace, and avoid gatherings that include fires. This could be a fire hazard, so its important to have the fireplace inspected by a professional. Investing in a HEPA filters with a carbon pre-filter will also improve the air quality where you live and work. Your fire will burn better if you have glass doors on it. Soot on the glass: If you notice a lot of soot on the glass of your gas fireplace, it could be a sign that the unit is not burning properly. Have your gas heater serviced at least every 2 years by a qualified gasfitter, to help keep your family safe. This means that in 65 years, a staggering nine years will have been spent seated in front of a television screen. If you are advised to stay indoors,take steps to keep indoor air as clean as possible. How do I know if my fireplace has carbon monoxide? If you leave your fireplace on for more than three hours at a time, you are putting yourself at risk. Making an informed decision on which type of fireplace to use is important, especially for people with allergies. There are black stains on the walls around the fires and on the gas fires. Remembering to hydrate gets harder as the temperature drops, but it is just as important in winter months. Javier Delgado, MSc, and colleagues report the finding in Chest. If you have a gas fireplace, you may be wondering if they are safe. Sinus pressure and congestion go hand in hand as congestion is caused by the nasal cavities in your head getting backed up. Do gas fireplaces create carbon monoxide? They emit nitrogen dioxide, which is a respiratory irritant.. By following the easy and inexpensive tips outlined above and consulting with your doctor, you can be on your way to a more healthy and congestion-free life. Official websites use .gov They do not emit as much exhaust as wood-burning fireplaces and might even be safer than vented gas fireplaces. Carbon monoxide poisoning wont be stopped if a window is opened. Don't vacuum. Do not be alarmed if some of the water is felt in your throat, Step 5: Blow your nose to be sure that all of the solution has been drained from your nose, Step 6: Repeat Steps 1-5, sliding the tip of the spout into the opposite nostril. First off, take a quick peek at your thermostat. Radon gas is produced during the decay of elements such as uranium and radium. Yes, gas fireplaces can cause headaches. When the cord is plugged straight into the wall, without the adapter, the fireplace can be turned on manually with the switch on the unit itself. Nitrogen Dioxide: This odorless gas that can irritate your eyes, nose and throat and cause shortness of breath. If you suspect you may be affected by carbon monoxide, open windows and doors, turn off the appliance and go outside to breathe fresh air. Additionally, as heating systems kick into high gear, homes are often flooded with dust and other allergens. It may be frightening to imagine breathing in these dangerous materials, since they can contribute to colds during the winter months and the flaring up of allergies in the spring and summer. Heaters dry out the air and . Even though gas fireplaces dont produce creosote, they still need to be cleaned yearly. Wood smoke can cause both short- and long-term health problems, including allergic reactions like sneezing and coughing, chronic bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia and emphysema. Although there are a large variety of pollutants in your indoor and outdoor environments that expose you to sinus problems, there is still a lot that you can do to protect yourself and create a welcoming setting for your sinuses and reduce your chances of contracting acute or chronic sinusitis. Gas fireplaces are one of the most common sources of exposure, even though there are many other possibilities. Have your fireplace and chimney inspected and cleaned every year by a certified professional to make sure there are no gaps, cracks or unwanted drafts and to remove any dangerous creosote buildup. Excess heat in gas fireplaces is very dangerous because it can cause cracking of the gas logs and mantel. There is no standard in Australia that covers the design, manufacture, installation or servicing of CO alarms for domestic premises. It may be an advantage for people with small children or pets, but it may also be a negative for other people. Gas accumulates in the digestive tract through eating (swallowing air) or bacterial fermentation. Some patients experience the symptom with normal amounts of gastric gas. Its important to limit your exposure to smoke, says Dr. Cain. Before you go to sleep, make sure the fire is out and the materials are cool. The answer to "Can you burn wood in a gas fireplace?" is a resounding NO! Most people think of their gas fireplace as being a safe and reliable way to heat their home. If they are registered and licensed, they will have a photo ID card that states what kinds of work they are allowed to do. The limit for propane is usually two hours. It can be very dangerous to your health and even fatal if you dont know what it is. According to the CDC, up to 500 people die annually from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. Prevent young children from touching very hot surfaces the normal dress guard only protects against accidental clothing contact. Top 5 Causes of Sinus Pain. Ensuring that the air in your home has the appropriately humidification is important to reduce your risk of sinus problems. Here are some things to look for: Fames should be blue: A gas fireplace that produces mostly yellow or orange flames may be burning inefficiently and could be a safety hazard. One of the most common reasons for nasal congestion is the foods people eat. There are some telltale signs that you could have a problem with carbon monoxide, even if you dont notice it. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Developing and adhering to a weekly exercise routine can be helpful when it comes to maintaining healthy sinuses. Some of the most common are sinusitis, bronchitis . Installation of carbon monoxide detectors and sitting away from the fireplace are ways to reduce the risk. The damper on the gas fireplace should be open all the time. Exposure to this gas can literally poison or suffocate you without warning, but it can also cause numerous symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and nausea." To minimize the risk, install carbon monoxide detectors and sit away from the fireplace. In fact, the air inside your home may have 5 to 10 times the dust found outdoors. Its not possible to remove the glass or get access to the flames for the gas fireplace. causes of acidity: 1.binge eating.2.consuming food stuff like chocolates, fatty food, spicy food, non-vegetarian food and coffee.3.smoking, tobacco chewing, alcohol.4.intake of medicines like aspirin, antibiotics, nsaids.5.stress and depression.6.gerd (gastro oesophageal reflux disease), peptic ulcer etc these all will bring a bloated abdomen and As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Privacy PolicyAffiliate Disclosure. 2. Never leave your gas fireplace unattended while its lit. Policy. Identifying outdoor pollutants is important in order to understand how to combat them. 6. For example, buy a hypoallergenic mattress cover and pillowcases and wash them with your bed sheets and shams in hot water, on a weekly basis. A CO alarm should therefore be certified to meet European (EN50291) or US (UL2034) standards. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The Standing Pilot Went Out Sometimes, a strong draft will blow out the pilot, and you have to relight it. Some people just have variations in their anatomy that creates a longer, narrower path for the transition spaces to drain. Wood burning fireplaces have a higher risk of injury. They work at Mexico's Instituto Nacional . High concentrations of smoke can trigger a range of symptoms. According to the A.C. Nielsen Company, on average, Americans watch over four hours of television shows per day. We have recognized a glitch in our appointment software. Two common options for home fireplaces are wood-burning and gas log types. They can cause a range of health problems, from burning eyes and a runny nose to aggravated chronic heart and lung diseases. CO is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause serious health problems, including death. While not everyone has the same sensitivity to wildfire smoke, its still a good idea to avoid breathing smoke if you can help it. This possibility should be tested when you have your heater serviced. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. For this, Dr. Bennett recommends installing a HEPA (High-Efficiency Air Particulate) filter in both your bedroom and your office space. Anxiety can also sometimes cause physical symptoms in addition to emotional distress. Replace any unflued heaters that are more than 10 years old, or if you feel that your health is being affected by them. 3. The devices alert for elevated levels of carbon monoxide in the air if it is the result of toxic gases or air quality issues. Another reason your gas fireplace won't stay lit could be the thermocouple. Have your gas fireplace serviced regularly by a qualified technician to ensure that it is operating safely and efficiently. FULLY VACCINATED individuals may schedule an appointment here. Scarves or bandanas (wet or dry) wont help, either. Heat is heat and when you heat the air you create a higher differential between the inside air and the outside air. These symptoms are characteristic of different medical conditions including nasal congestion due to any cause, hay fever, reactions to indoor allergens, or sinus infections.Increased passing gas is not typically related to respiratory conditions but could be present due to another cause. Schedule annual gas fireplace maintenance services with trusted professionals, like, to ensure everything works well and is safe to use. This is why so often you will see people dealing with both sinus pressure and headaches at the same time. If these newer appliances are properly installed, well-maintained and used correctly, they can reduce outdoor and indoor air pollution resulting from burning wood and consequently, help reduce risks to your health. These types of logs don't have a chimney or vent to remove the fumes produced by the fire, so the smell is typically stronger. Do gas fireplaces take oxygen out of the air? An electric fireplace could be a good alternative. Gas supply problems. Many prefer them because they are cleaner and safer for children and older adults with health conditions. When selecting installation locations, make sure the alarm is audible from all sleeping areas. Anyone may experience burning eyes, a runny nose, cough, phlegm, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Get your heating ducts cleaned, and make sure to be away from home for several hours after the cleaning. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances. Treat with nasal rinses, warm compresses, and antibiotics or allergy medications if needed. If the vent is blocked, carbon monoxide could build up inside your home. Real Estate; Home & Garden; Pets; Food; Sports; It does not store any personal data. This goes for all animals in your house with pet dander. Yes, you can run your gas fireplace all day if you want to. Hi, I'm Luis, one of the creators of One way you can reduce your health risks with burning wood in your home is to use newer fireplace inserts. They are also more likely to occur if you have a history of heart disease. Do I need to open the damper on a gas fireplace? Since there is no specific level of CO2 concentration that affects everyone, one person may feel light headed. Clean and Irrigate Your Sinuses. This is a serious safety hazard and you should evacuate the area immediately and call your gas company. What states have banned ventless gas fireplaces? Is There a Safe (and Warm) Way to Gather Outside During the Pandemic? Our website is full of reviews and information from reliable sources to help you choose the best equipment. This same bacteria can affect more than just the sinuses, but the whole body and cause the common cold along with all of its symptoms. It can also cause snoring. Destruction of the cilia due to indoor or outdoor pollution can lead to chronic or acute sinusitis. January 06, 2020 Burning wood in your fireplace all winter may feel cozy and keep you warm, but smoke from those fires can also cause health problems. Improper maintenance of a gas fireplace can cause the incomplete combustion of fuel hence a lot of fumes in . Driving with the windows down when driving in rural areas, outside the city away from traffic and industrial pollution, is a great way to breathe in fresh air. But a wood-burning fire in your fireplace can cause health problems, especially if you or a family member has a history of lung disease. You simply turn on a switch, which causes the flames to appear. Smoke is made up of a complex mixture of gases and fine particles produced when wood and other organic materials burn. The combination of these can cause a lot of congestion and inflammation. High levels of carbon monoxide in the air are very dangerous and may cause people to pass out or even die. Make sure it is in the on position. but my records show this is occurring during the winter months? 1. Avoid winter sinus problems with these easy steps. Sinuses can become inflamed and painful when infected by a virus or bacteria or during allergy season. Health problems that seem to be worse or only occur when the heating is on may be caused by carbon monoxide from a faulty gas heater. Also, "natural gas is a pollutant chemical that can worsen both classical allergy and chemical sensitivity," according to Gerald Ross, M.D., former president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. Smoke is made up of a complex mixture of gases and fine particles produced when wood and other organic materials burn. For more information about how HEPA filters prevent sinus problems, whether a HEPA filter is right for you, and a Buyers Guide on selecting the best HEPA without breaking the bank, read the Spotlight On: HEPA Air Filters article under the Sinus Health page. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Let's renovate our yard today. It is no secret that detoxifying your body through exercise is important for our respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Check your Thermostat Setting. While its true that gas fireplaces are generally very safe, there is always the potential for an explosion. Coffee. Its important to limit your exposure to smoke - especially if you are at increased risk for particle-related effects. Here are some steps you can take to protect your health: If you have heart, vascular or lung disease, including asthma, talk with your health care provider. Water vapor produced from natural gas combustion remains in the given space because there's not a chimney or flue to usher it out of the room. Fine particles can cause a variety of short-term health problems, including: itchy or burning eyes throat irritation runny nose illnesses like bronchitis. How long should you leave a gas fireplace on? Use common sense to guide your activities.Even if you dont have a monitor in your area, if it looks or smells smoky outside, it's probably not a good time to mow the lawn or go for a run. The answer is yes and no. If your heater appears on Energy Safe Victoria's safety alerts list , do not use it until it has been tested and serviced by a qualified gasfitter. The State of Victoria and the Department of Healthshall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. There are several non-threatening sources of gas fireplace odors: Pet dander/fur Dust Dirt (1 pg., 650KB,about PDF)They are sold at many hardware and home repair stores and online. It can cause a wide range of health problems. Only your doctor can advise you about your specific health situation. Pilot light issues. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS So while gas fireplaces may not be the cause of your sinus problems, they could actually help to relieve them! How much carbon monoxide does a ventless fireplace produce? Another danger sign is soot on the glass doors or on the surrounding walls. Environmental irritants - such as smoke, chemicals, or perfume. With allergy shots, the dose is increased over a period of time so that the body develops immunity to the allergen. The same level of warmth is created by a vented gas fireplace because some of its heat escapes through the flue. Never use a cabinet heater. Bathe your pets weekly. The major sources of man-made air pollution in Melbourne are from motor vehicle emissions and wood heaters. Make sure the pilot light is lit before adding any wood or other materials to the fire. This is possible with vent-free gas logs. Burning gas can reduce the amount of oxygen in the house. If your pilot light is working but the main burner doesn't turn on, the problem is probably the thermostat. green or . Cilia are microscopic hairs that filter out debris and bacteria in your sinuses. Or give us a callwere happy to talk with you about ways to prevent and treat sinus infections. To learn more about how a humidifier works and the effectiveness of alternatives like vaporizers, in addition to checking out our Buyers Guide, read the Spotlight On: Humidifies and Vaporizers articles in the Sinus Health page. by: When returning to a flood-affected area, remember that wild animals, including rats, mice, snakes or spiders, may be trapped in your home, shed or garden. Please call the office, Dealing with Christmas Colds and Sinus Infections. Be sure to follow all of the manufacturers instructions when using your fireplace. Also, the mold that can grow on stored firewood can cause allergic symptoms when the wood is burned. All types of gas heaters should be serviced a minimum of every 2 years by a licenced gasfitter and tested for carbon monoxide spillage. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation states that the gases created by gas log fireplaces are chemical contaminants. #3 A headache that comes with congestion or runny nose. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you have an open-flued gas heater, limit how much you use it and consider safe alternative forms of heating. Policy. These appliances do not use venting mechanisms such as flues, chimneys or ducts to remove the exhaust fumes from indoors. Should the flue be open on a ventless gas fireplace? They should carry this with them, and you can ask to see it at any time. 4. We are not scheduling COVID-19 Vaccine appointments. Health issues include: Increased risk of nasal, sinus, throat, and lung cancer Reproductive or developmental effects, and Asthma-like respiratory problems When Are Formaldehyde Exposure Risks Highest? If the gas flow is not constant in your fireplace, then it is likely due to one of the following 4 reasons: Thermostat setting. How Do I Know If My Gas Fireplace is Safe? Consider buying an air cleaner. This is a very safe and popular option for many. Never leave a gas fireplace unattended. Bacteria in the air can also destroy the mucus membrane in your respiratory tract, containing the cilia. If your unit is getting both power and spark, the next phase of the troubleshooting process involves making sure it's receiving gas. Make sure the thermostat is on and that the current room . One of the possible causes of carbon monoxide poisoning is a gas fireplace. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. These microscopic particles can penetrate deep into your lungs. Make sure your wood has been split and stored for at least 6 months. If the goal is to have a realistic looking fireplace, gas is the better choice. Wood smoke can also contain several toxic substances such as benzene, formaldehyde, acrolein and methane. The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website. What causes sinus headaches in the winter? Moist mucus and nose hair are there to trap the dust that you inhale so it will not reach your lungs. Dust your house once a week to avoid the collection of bacteria and dust mites. You can also enquire with your gas company or search online. This type of wood will always produce more smoke and make it seem like you have a fireplace performance problem, and will also lead to creosote production . Its cold outside, is it possible that I am experiencing allergies? As anyone who has suffered from allergies can tell you, dealing with adverse reactions of the bodys immune system to specific particulate is not an enjoyable experience. Knowing what food to eat and to avoid can help prevent excessive mucus from developing in the nasal passages. Carbon monoxide is colourless and odourless. Bananas are rich in carbohydrates but when having sinus problems, it is better to avoid this fruit; it can exacerbate the symptoms of sinusitis because it can cause inflammation. When choosing between wood-burning fireplaces and gas logs, there is probably no perfect choice that will eradicate the risk of triggering allergies and breathing harmful substances. Call your healthcare provider if your symptoms worsen. Difficult thinking or concentrating can be caused by long-term exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide. If it reads less, then the thermopile should be cleaned (turn off the gas supply and use a stainless-steel brush with fine-grit sandpaper), if the reading is still low, then replace the thermopile. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you do choose to run your gas fireplace all day. Among these particles are fine particles, which are smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, and these fine particles can affect your lungs. Pilot light is out: If your gas fireplaces pilot light goes out, you should not try to relight it yourself. As smoke gets worse, the concentration of particles in the air increases - and so should the steps you take to protect yourself. This can cause dangerous chimney fires. For many, these measures may need to be combined with nasal steroid sprays, saline rinses, antihistamines, decongestants or allergy shots. Let me get right to the point: unvented gas (and kerosene) space heaters and fireplaces are a bad idea.Don't install one. Discuss when to leave the area, how much medicine to have on hand, and your asthma action plan if you have asthma. What is the purpose of glass doors on a gas fireplace? A 2013 study of indoor NO2 from stoves found that, among children with asthma, "every 5 ppb increase in NO2 exposure above a threshold of 6 ppb" led to a measurable increase in wheezing and . They must also provide the renter with the date of the most recent safety check, in writing, on the request of the renter. There are some risks involved with gas logs. Pregnancy - can cause hormonal . The following are troubleshooting tips for gas fireplaces, continued from Part 1 of this two-part series. 6. That puts even more pollution in your lungs, and in the lungs of people around you. Never burn plastic, garbage or pressure-treated wood. Is a carbon monoxide detector capable of detecting a gas leak? Fine particles can aggravate existing heart and lung conditions, including: angina chronic bronchitis emphysema asthma. Make sure that the room with the fireplace is well-ventilated. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are non-specific and can be mistaken for a flu-like illness or even food poisoning. Vent-Free fireplaces have caused a lot of controversy in the fireplace industry. If you have heart or lung disease, smoke may make your symptoms worse. Should I keep the glass doors closed on my gas fireplace? This could be a sign of a serious problem with the unit and you should call a professional to have it inspected. Why does my fireplace give me a headache? If you have a gas fire, it is important to know if it is leaking carbon monoxide. I return to Mayo every 3 months for a "Scope" and next due for one the beginning of May. But allergy meds don't seem to help. What can I do to treat and prevent dry sinuses? Brian J. Wood fireplaces generate smoke and soot, which irritate many people's respiratory passages, including noses and lungs, especially people who already have allergies and asthma. . Health problems that seem worse or only occur when the heating is on may be caused by carbon monoxide from a faulty gas heater. If you see any of these danger signs, its important to contact a professional immediately to have your fireplace inspected. According to Do It Yourself, there is no smoke or soot with a natural gas fireplace, so allergy sufferers can breathe easier, according to The Mayo Clinic. Cutting-edge Treatments for Ear Nose, Throat, and Allergy. Small amounts of nitrous dioxide and carbon monoxide can be fatal in large quantities. If you take these precautions, then you should be able to enjoy your gas fireplace without worry. A ventless fireplace runs on natural gas, including butane or propane, and does not produce the harmful emissions that require a wood-burning fireplace to have a suitable ventilation system. Dust miles, pollen and pet dander are purified from the air with this device. Lastly, note that inspecting your home for these materials is important if you suspect that some of the more harmful items on this list may be present, as they can affect far more than just your sinuses. Gas fireplaces can be dangerous if they are not installed properly or if they are not maintained. The answer is that a gas fireplace makes the air dry and moist. Wood smoke can affect everyone, but the populations known to be at greater risk include: children, teenagers, older adults, people with lung disease -- including asthma and COPD, people with heart disease, outdoor workers, and people of low socioeconomic status, including those who are homeless and with limited access to medical care. Humidifiers are the most effective during during the winter months. Gas fireplaces, gas stoves and inserts all use sealed combustion technology, which means all combustion air comes from the outside. This includes all central heating units, space heaters, wall units and gas log fires. How do I know if my gas fire is leaking carbon monoxide? First, be sure that the area around the fireplace is well-ventilated. Can you make a wood fire in a gas fireplace? Some people repeatedly cough to try to clear the throat, but others. If you are renting your home, the rental provider must ensure that a gas safety check of all gas installations and fittings is conducted every 2 years by a licensed or registered gasfitter. Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. If you have cardiovascular disease,follow your healthcare providers directions and call if your symptoms worsen. Consult with your licensed gasfitter before considering purchase or installation. However, if you do experience an explosion, be sure to call your local fire department immediately. When these cavities fill up, your sinuses feel the pressure of the added fluid and tend to feel uncomfortable. Symptoms are an indication that you need to reduce exposure. Allergy shots work similarly to a flu shot, in that a person is injected with a small amount of the allergen. Wood fires release tiny particles that get into the lungs and can harm people with underlying health conditions. When the weather outside turns colder, theres nothing cozier than a warm, crackling fire in your fireplace and a steaming cup of tea in your hands. Watch for any symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning in yourself or your family members. This difference in pressure is what causes sinus pressure and sinus headaches, which can be exacerbated by an existing sinus infection, allergies, congestion, or other sinus . How long does carbon monoxide poisoning take to show symptoms? Why do I get a sinus infection every time the weather changes? If you've tested the thermopile and it's fine, with a reading of . Teeny holes that connect your nasal passages to your sinuses (basically a collection of hollow, moist cavities that lurk beneath your nose, eyes, and cheeks) get blocked. Volatile organic compounds Construction dust and debris Second-hand cigarette smoke Exhaust fumes Household cleaning products Hairspray Pollen Weeds Grasses and pesticides Fumes from inappropriate burning of trash, propane, coal, charcoal, oil, wood and natural gas Pollution can cause sinus irritation Although the image of a log fire is often associated with the holidays, romance and cozy nights inside protected from the cold are a threat to lung and heart health. They are sold at many hardware and home repair stores and online. Chemicals, or perfume CO2 concentration that affects everyone can gas fireplaces cause sinus problems one person feel... ( swallowing air ) or US ( UL2034 ) standards can gas fireplaces cause sinus problems feel the pressure of the common! 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The mucus membrane in your head getting backed up do experience an explosion can gas fireplaces cause sinus problems! Deep into your lungs but allergy meds don & # x27 ; t to. Sold at many hardware and home repair stores and online may need to open the damper the. Sign is soot on the glass or get access to the fire for a flu-like illness or even food.. Are those that are more than three hours at a time, you can reduce your of. Phlegm, wheezing and difficulty breathing signs, its important to contact a professional plan... And even fatal if you are at increased risk for particle-related effects substances such as flues chimneys...
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