judicial caning in saudi arabia

sentenced to be deported to her native Syria on completion of her prison term inspite of being married to a Saudi national for many years!! Take the case of the small Arab emirate of Sharjah. [4]:146, The judicial establishment, in the broadest sense, is composed of qadis, who give binding judgements in specific court cases, and muftis and other members of the ulama, who issue generalized but highly influential legal opinions (fatwas). [12], The Saudi system of justice has been criticized[by whom?] And the aggressive approach of a notable amount of Islam indicates that it is not sufficiently strong to stand up to scrutiny. (LogOut/ vertigo by U2 (my first name is phil). Though the Saudi royal family still rules the realm, they have initiated a number of reforms over the past 30 years. III, pgs. Saudi people are complete hypocrates. Wahabis are the worst human on earth. Many of the Islamic court judges who order the whippings are Saudis who have been given sharia court posts outside the kingdom. At least these options are better than marrying someone you have not had the chance to get to know. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. and any attempt made to justify (no matter how illogically) why women can be legally held fully accountable and punished under the law for their actions in a country that denies them adult legal status and where they are therefore deemed NOT responsible for their lives. Sometimes, there are alot of stories, where in some poor developing countries workers are setup for the crimes they have not committed. Cultural Mission:(703) 573-7226 In Saudi Arabia, the girls are held down by a policewoman while they are whipped by a man. The Saudi court system consists of three main parts. Browse and shop for books, home dcor, toys, gifts and more on indigo.ca. The Tribunal will deliberate, prepare and deliver the Award in no later than 60 days from the date of the closing of the hearing. Senior judges will only allow like-minded graduates of select religious institutes to join the judiciary and will remove judges that stray away from rigidly conservative judgments. M/78 on 19 Ramadan 1428H (October 1st, 2007) established the Supreme Court as the highest judicial authority in . Can you help me? If your god is so worried about what they are doing why doesnt he punish them himself? US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2004 It is the best time to make some plans for the future So you want our Glorious Quran to be re written so that this Glorious Quran can be turned into corrupted scriptures written by people of so called 21st century just as how the Christians have done with their bible and the Jews with their scripturesthese ignorant people sold Gods words for moneythey werent worshiping God in first place they were worshiping money(also currently the 21st century god of humankind). Islam has been no different than the other two monotheistic religions in this respect. I see you dont monetize saudiwoman.me, dont waste your traffic, laws r laws a d there is nothing bigger than law. In the words of a Canadian nurse who worked in the largest hospital in the Saudi capital, Riyadh: "The lashings are brutal and excruciatingly painful; they [the women] will bear the scars physically and psychologically for a long time. Also remember that reason and logic are completely lost on most people infected with the mind virus of Islam. ) U.S. Embassy Riyadh Abdullah Ibn Hudhafah As Sahmi Street Roundabout no. On 23 March this year, an Islamic court there ordered two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. Kimtings Method To Go Viral. If youre a woman and irrespective of age, on one hand, you cant make any decisons for yourself regarding health, work, education, travel, marriage, freedom of movement (the essence really of being human). Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Judgments, court judgement, decisions of arbitrators, and authenticated instruments in a foreign country. I wish to read more things about it! SO PLEASE CHANGE THE LAWS PEOPLE LOVE EACH OTHER AND GET MARRIED THEN ONLY THERE LIVES WILL BE GOOD WE ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO INTERFARE IN THERE WORLD I CAN UNDERSTAND WAT OUR PROPHET (PUBH) SAID US BUT RETHINK IT YOUR ALSO A HUMAN SOME DAY U WILL ASLO DO THEY THINKING IN YOUR LIFE In 1998 judicial floggings continued to be imposed "routinely". These hypocrites have one set of law for the poor Asians, another for the Westerners and another exclusively reserved for the Saudis. According to Sharia Law it is prohibited to bring a female domestic aide to Saudi Arabia without a Mahram (husband, father or brother) accompanying her and staying with her the entire duration of her contract. For rowdyism or drinking . Senior Judicial Assistant Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 16 hours ago Over 200 applicants If the plaintiff is absent and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the case will be cancelled and will not be open to resumption without a decision from the Supreme Court. Demand respect? If the authorizer does not attend, it is not valid for the attorney to acknowledge the claimed right, or assignment, or conciliation, or accept the oath, direct it, or return it, or leave the litigation, or waive the judgment - in whole or in part - or through any of the methods of appeal against it, revoking the legal interdiction, leaving the mortgage with the debt remaining, or claiming forgery, or the judges recusal, or the choice of the expert, unless he is authorized to do so in the mandate. Why arent these religious police, poking their noses into other peoples private business, physically attacked? What if Muhammad was simply a popular folk figure whos story was blown out of proportion? They are strict condition to be said. Send me details and i want this to be done even death sentence stone untill death i will complain to stop the unfaithfull things by girls for making suck un humain doing making sex also i want to complain that police. US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2003 They just scroll to the bottom and click I agree. . should i take my wife with me against her father? Your submission was successful, You have already submitted your response for this page, Legislation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. . What about the victim? In the Holy Quran, it states that four witnesses to the act have to be found for it to be punishable. Female Maid servants life is miserable, please do not take up jobs as female maid servants, as they are subjected to sexual harassment and 90% cases are that you are forced to have sex with the head of the family and the children of the family. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I thought that this existence, this life, is good. It must be attended by someone who may be authorized to attend the litigation. No rule Just because someone is sitting with unrelated person in a public place, doesnt mean that it is not khilwa. If he could get an established muttawa from a mosque to vouch for him, then he might be lucky enough to be let go with a warning. ohkay ! Absolutely pathetic, that a book would do this to someone. US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2006 I can see that it is very helpful in dispelling misconceptions in the minds non-Saudis, because you give an objective picture of how things are and do not support an unjust practise simply because it happens to be Saudi You are certainly not biased in your views. You cant justify such an act of utter brutality by saying, oh, we only do this for really, really bad theft! If the girl screams too much and seems in too much pain, they will administer the punishment in instalments - 40 lashes now, 40 in a week's time and so on. First off all, all praises be to Allh, you have said the law which Saudi implements is cruel. Lets go to first principles. Dear sir, update me .if some have pay his punishment by the Saudi government & been released .after paying his charge .Is the crime will be valid for his career ? It is not right to use these punishments. When you are brutal to others, you should be met with the same force. Youre not supposed to see one in the first place .. if a man having sex to girl in internet,its possible a crime and filed him a punnishment? Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another Quran 48:29. Its procedures are as follows: More details on Arbitration Procedures Guide. The largest is the Shariah Courts, which hear most cases in the Saudi legal system. Flogging with a cane is administered for less serious offences, such as drinking alcohol. . Why not appreciate this life? Essentially then there is no answer to my question? My goal is that the child live between us. Good grief what barbaric laws you have lashes,cutting off body parts and beheadings Saudi needs to update its laws and stop living in the dark ages !! [4]:160 Another important change is the establishment of appeal courts for each province. The Quran demands that we fight the unbelievers, and promises If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them (8:65),Mohammed is Gods apostle. Change). Why is the Quran full of verses that say Muhammad is not crazy? It is called a bill because it is the first step issuing and adopting the law. *******Correction****** (which is now srilanka). If the representative is an attorney, he shall be the one who has the right to trust according to the Law. the woman is guilty too.she should feel embarrassment and pain. Its presence plays a major role in preserving the security and stability of it and the private and public interests of the people. The document casts doubt on past claims that these are relatively lightly administered and meant as a symbolic humiliation rather than as serious pain. Amelia. But I do appreciate your fair representation of cases. [8] The outgoing chairman was known to oppose the codification of Sharia. Once the programming has been indoctrinated on blank slates (youth), then enforced by family & the surrounding environment, then its almost impossible to remove its longterm effects. Take this hypothetical scenario (especially Westerners amongst you), someone kills a person close to you in cold bloody. Recruitment job profiles completely differ on paper and in reality, people are recruited by stating that they will be working in an office and their passports are taken away and forced to work as labourers or shepherd in the fields. And why do people put up with it? That comment hits the nail on the head. Its been interesting to read about the recent and ongoing debate concerning khilwa or khalwa the forbidden, private mixing of unrelated men and women and the Saudi term ikhtilat meaning the innocent, public mixing of the sexes for the purposes of business, work etc, AND that Islam has been misinterpreted in KSA with regard to this. Fucking disgusting, how mindlessly some of you follow a book that was probably written by some insane crackpot that grew up without any real understanding of the world. The authority of the court to change power of attorney in litigation. Thanks for giving the details of that infamous case. Liking another person, even holding their hand, kissing them, even having sex, makes people happy and brings about new life- so it seems to be something good not bad. You just made our month. Tmn menetelmn pitisi mys olla huomaamaton a helppokyttinen. Another is that the guy takes his sister along and voila it is no longer a khilwa. I need help,i commit a mistake,at Jeddah international airport i rush to the restrooms due to stomach ache not knowing that is a womans restroom,but no one is there except the ladies cleaner and they shock that theres a man in womans restroom.what will i do?what is my punishment.there is also a camera in that area thats why i suddenly go away.any advice.its not my intension but due to my negligence. Ask any expat who lives in saudi arabia, they always suggest not to take a cab with a saudi local. THIS SO BAD TO KNOW OF SHARIA LAWS PEOPLE STEAL DUE THEY HAVE PROBLEMS ONLY NOT FOR SIMPLE THINK WAT WILL HAPPEN TO THERE PARNETS THESE TO BAD OF SAUDI LAWS . ", Arab courts insist that the lashings are the only way of ensuring that local "morality" is upheld - though the number of court-ordered floggings suggests the opposite. By one estimate, 80% are from Al-Qassim province, the conservative religious heartland of Saudi Arabia in the center of the country. Saudi Justice Through British Eyes The Respondent shall communicate to the Claimant a Response to the Request for Arbitration as per the Rules. (vol. This happens "sometimes". Are they allowed to meet alone? Why doesnt the Saud Kingdom allow churches, synagogues, Hindu temples, Buddhist places of worship, or any other places of faith besides Islam. How do you know whether or not Muhammad suffered from schizophrenia? The only way to rectify and balance this is to enable women to have up to four husbands. Thanks for the insight by the way. Isnt that a flagrant violation of the Sharia Law? His refusal to forgive him contributed to the judges decision to have the thiefs hand cut off. Extramarital sex on the other hand is extremely serious and at the same time very hard to get convicted for. you are very brave . Jai Babu, On 31 August, 2021 . Unfortunately, you fail to recognise that it is the act itself and its extreme brutality that is what is so shocking, not the reasons why it is done. So dont ask questions just live with a faith that is likely flawed (since you cant ask questions about it, presumably under the threat of physical attack). Quite frankly, the act of cutting off a persons hand, for anyone for any reason is just pain wrong. in pakistan ! But that doesnt make all Saudi people bad. Emergency Contact Numbers. If they fail the test or refuse to cooperate, they are taken to the local muttawa center. Hey Mo.First of all, why the F*CK are you commenting on an anti-thiest website created by infidel kafir non believers?!? Shariah refers to the body of Islamic law. Good answers in return of this difficulty with solid arguments and explaining all What are your leaders trying to hurt their own communities? I do know that this type of punishment does not happen often. "We tried to see what we could do, but the wheels of justice had turned. Another important factor in the justice system is the method of legal proceedings in Saudi courts, the seven judicial services, arbitration for commercial disputes and contacting licensed lawyers. Some have been doomed from the very start a few, perhaps, were intended to be stillborn. Who the fuck chops people up and whips them or rapes them??? theres no pr0blem in punishment in ksa..the pr0blem with them is they are n0t fairm0st mutawwas unfairly take pe0ple wh0 cnt talk arabic t0 defend themselves..d0nt give lawyersthey are bias..trust me,it happened t0 pe0ple ar0und me tahts why i kn0w..i pray t0 Allah y0u w0nt be a victim 0f their misleading beards and sh0rt-th0bs..Allah Knows Best. I read another aspect of it somewhere that the father of one of the youths who said she was his uncles wife himself complained to the religious police that these two men had gone to visit her. In one or two reports the offender was said to be tied upright to a post. Sharia Law is inferior to Common Law developed in England and what is better is that we have a complete separation of Church / Mosque & State. If the plaintiff is absent from a hearing and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the court case will be cancelled. The resigning or dismissed attorney without the approval of the court does not prevent the proceeding of the procedures unless the authorizer informs his opponent of appointing another representative in place of the resigning or dismissed attorney, or of his intention to attend the lawsuit himself. If there can be no questioning of a holy book why/how did yours come into being, if not by questioning both of the two well known holy books already in existence (in the region)!!?? Jewelry, TVs, computers and everything of value was taken. 555; and vol. Rational arguments dont usually work on religious people, otherwise there would be no religious people. [17] In the same year, the court held trial sessions of human rights activists, including Mohammed Saleh al-Bejadi, co-founder of the Saudi Civil and Political Rights Association (ACPRA)[16] and Mubarak Zu'air, a lawyer for long-term prisoners,[7] and a protester, Khaled al-Johani, who spoke to BBC Arabic Television at a protest in Riyadh. Weve all heard or read about the strict laws and forms of punishment in Saudi Arabia. ", "Justice" in the United Arab Emirates is always administered by a man who leans over the girl to cane her in the presence of both male and female prison officers and - sometimes, though not always - a doctor. "If the girls are not married, the hospital is bound by law to tell the police, and the girls are arrested. Where on heavens do we get to hear about several heads of Saudis getting knocked off in one day? Way to go on this blog. The normal work week in Saudi Arabia is Sunday through Thursday. The arbitrators' provisions attached to the execution order according to the Arbitration Law. what i have discovered has gone around the world and many songs have been written about itthe foo fighters last 4 albumscoldplays last 4 albums hahaha .. Try again. When I first went to Saudi Arabia, the mutawas were very active, but as the years passed, became more and more aggressive. There are highly selective quotes from various naive letters to British newspapers upholding tough sentences. You cant really compare the harshness of the American legal system with the shear mediaeval barbarity of the Saudi one. Questions like name, relatives names and even color of furniture, address, employment and all other things married couples naturally know. Reportedly, those flogged do not receive medical treatment. If (as seems probable) the nurses did not actually do the crime, the question of punishment is irrelevant. If its possible, pls give me procedure. Saudi government openly and flagrantly violated the Sharia law by bringing poor Rizana Nafeek from Sri Lanka to their country in the first place. KSA can afford to buy in the fruits of other cultures technological advances but that situation will not last forever. Rules and Regulations ? Forming a state and law and government based upon religion is rediculous, Pingback: Public punishment in modern world shame by Facebook | Russell Webster, oh this is very hard rules its gud. That does`nt make it Wrong or Right, It is merely a Statement of Fact. His best bet is to dress like a muttawa, start to grow a beard, hold his head down and look remorseful. Saudi Law has no basis or recognition in the Islamic Sharia Law which is based on the Quraan and the Traditions of the Prophet, period! [4]:160 The Sharia courts will therefore lose their general jurisdiction to hear all cases and the work load of the government's administrative tribunals will be transferred to the new courts. Sheikh Ahmad Qassim Al-Ghamdi, chief of the Makkah regions Haia, told the Arabic-language daily newspaper Okaz that ikhtilat has no basis in Shariah, or Islamic law, and has been incorrectly applied in the Saudi judicial system. Mentions that hundreds of political demonstrators were sentenced to flogging, but it was not known whether these sentences had been carried out. US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2005 what a complete of of bull written by nk on the sacred un-adulterated quality of the Quran. It is not permissible for a judge, a member of the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, or anyone working in the courts to act as an attorney for the litigants in the case even if it is filed before a court other than the one to which he belongs. for this punish almost 20 year gone. maybe it could be applicable if they saw couples ( lovers) checking in in a hotel room or something .. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently issued a Judicial Costs Law (the " Law "), which will come into effect on 10 Shaaban 1443 AH corresponding to 13 March 2022 AD. The court, however, rejected this argument. Fahd and Hadyan stated in their defence that they were delivering bread to Khamisa. However you find out the killer had a mental disorder from which he could be cured just by giving him one pill. On the other if you are accused of any crime, the full wrath of the law (or how it is interpreted by judges) will fall on you and you will be made to pay the same (or worse) price than men. 2. never trust anything that is written in the contract, please get it translated before you sign. It starts with the preparation of the first draft of the law until its submission to the competent regulatory authority, according to the provisions of voting on it. If a child is chopped to pieces or even raped as punishment because it was viewed that it fit their actions, would you still agree to it? Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court is limited to four cases, which are: Violating the provisions of Sharia law and the regulations issued by the legal Guardian that do not violate the Islamic Laws. It is the third stage of issuing laws in which the approval of the session president is obtained to turn the proposed bill or system into an official law. Thanks for the summary, and for the ideas about how young Saudis get around khilwa. For more details click here. I have read this post and if I could I want to suggest you It does state how things are. How does that work? You say that jacqueline I believe youre french so why is there so much theft here in our country if you find the solution ? We should be critical of any society which visits amputation on its criminals. Reported examples of judges' attitudes include rulings banning such things as the children's game Pokmon, telephones that play recorded music, and sending flowers to hospital patients. If the court case is cancelled, he may request a continuation of the court case based on the circumstances, wherein the court will set a hearing to consider the circumstances and will inform the defendant. These are real true stories faced by people who have worked. for you to call youself abdul implies thath you are a servent and for those of you who do not understand allah states for people to question as their sense are limited to 5 while allah is all knowing all wise and may your tongue be cut off for what you say about islam. They take the passports of expats and harrass them as bonded labours. At the top of the legal system is the King, who acts as the final court of appeal and as a source of pardon. Currently, Saudi Arabia has a dual judicial system comprised of the Shari'ah Courts System (al-Mahakim al-Shariy'ah) and an independent administrative judiciary known as the Board of Grievances (Diwan a l-Mazalem). Question, How about just a business meeting or any other meeting? If any body approaches the authority, the police will suppress the cases. This stage ends after the King's approval for the councils decision. All three of the Middle Eastern invented desert ideologies based on Abraham are in fact mind viruses. Its no better than a 5 year olds thinking. SHAKIR: O you who believe! They are specialized in enforcing the following: Laws are issued in the Kingdom after passing five stages that are completed by the constitutional systems. [3], The Sharia courts have general jurisdiction over most civil and criminal cases. The Ministry of Justice enable searching for lawyers accredited to the Ministry, and provides visitors to this section through its electronic portal with searching and obtaining names of accredited lawyers and ways to contacting them by selecting the city, beside inquiring about practicing lawyers. I dont neither do you!Humans dont define justice, it is God who defines Justice and if God prescribed certain severe punishment for evil doings then it must be so and the criminal should be punished. Different reports suggest that, as one might expect under a regime where the rule of law is a wholly alien concept, there are no formal procedures and little consistency about the modus operandi: either a whip, a leather strap, or a long cane may be used; sometimes the lashes are confined to the buttocks, more often it seems they are spread out from the neck to the ankles, and usually with the prisoner simply lying face down on the ground. However, no news reports to that effect have come to hand. Inshallah. In addition to the previous judicial bodies, there are several Administrative Committees that have jurisdiction to hear certain . , please if someone made a mistake to steal it doesnt mean she should be punished like that. Judgments, decisions and orders issued by the courts. Apart from anything else, why follow the prophet Mohammed? click here to download the service application(App Store Google Play ). !poor womens, no possible for me life in SK. But I would think it much better for society to leave people alone. ", Among women subjected to the lash in the Saudi prison of Malaz in 1993 was an Indonesian maid who, according to a fellow prisoner, "had been starved and tortured for two years. In addition, the Kingdom has implemented significant reforms to the legal system, including the introduction of the 2018 . Maybe it could be applicable if they saw couples ( lovers ) checking in in a room... 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